GUS Daily Digest Thu, 20 Apr 95 9:37 PST Volume 21: Issue 20 Today's Topics: DMA/OPTI problem Drums in midi files GUS w.r.t. Deep Green MB, Quad T55A & MFX400 etc. PMODE megaem... Previous Digests... Standard Info: - Meta-info about the GUS can be found at the end of the Digest. - Before you ask a question, please READ THE FAQ. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 19 Apr 1995 19:15:31 GMT From: Elrond Subject: DMA/OPTI problem Since I'm planning on buying a Max in my trip to UK next week (Nobody knows GUS here) I decided to take a look inside my PC to check for space/etc. My MB has a lot of OPTI chips. I was unable to see the codes without removing the HDs. The thing is, how can I know if these chips have that DMA bug problem? Is there any proggy to test it? Also, if they're buggy (argh), what will I lose if I use the 8 bit DMA with the Max? Thx guys... Nuno/PORTUGAL ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 19 Apr 95 11:10:42 PST From: "Brian Cabildo" Subject: Drums in midi files I was wondering if anyone know how to put drums into a midi file? I'm trying to add drums to a midi file using midisoft's Recording Session but when I try to select a new instrument, I only get patches from the melodic bank. If I need to define a new bank how do I do it? The manuals don't say anything about it but I know it can done. Thanks, Brian ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 20 Apr 1995 23:21:26 +0930 (GMT+0930) From: (9308005x) Subject: GUS w.r.t. Deep Green MB, Quad T55A & MFX400 etc. This is a long one so hold on. :) >I just bought a new Deep Green (?) motherboard with an AMD processor. >Has anyone had any problems with this motherboard or processor and the >GUS? Is the NMI (?) enabled so SBOS will run. I asked the guy I bought >it from, but he had no idea what I was asking; but it was too good >a deal to pass up. Also, I got a Number Nine Vision 330 video card. >Any problems or suggestions for either would be appreciated. Thanks. Hi ya everyone, I thought I should reply to this post just to set the record straight. I own an ALi DEEP GREEN motherboard and am using a AMD DX2-80 chip and everything 'GUSSY' works fine. Though, for a long time I had real probs, doom would play every sound FX overand over again continuously and midi files would often play with the wrong instruments and have a lot of unexplainable noise in the background. In the end (after some months) I found the problem. When I first bought the mother board I made a few modifications (for quite some time I have been running it at as a DX4-100) in doing this I had removed all wait-states. When I remembered this I went into the BIOS and set all relevent wait-states on the ISA bus to one and now everything works perfectly including SBOS. The morel of the story... When you have finished mucking around with things, put them back the way you found them... BITS AND PIECES XCOM v1.4 - All sound fx and music work fine except for a very occasional beep/click. DOOM >v1.666 - Works even on high interupt, eg 11. TEAC-55A - Using a pin to swap the audio cables, because originally the configeration was, GRAVIS MAX PLUG | | | | L G R G G L G R TEAC-55A PLUG | | | | So, when in doubt, do as the pro's do, CHEAT! The drive now works fine. When the channels are grounded in this way even the ear-phone jack will not produce any output. Tranfer rate from GUS MAX connection, approx 400Kb/sec. MITSUMI FX-400 >With all this max thruput of my CD-ROM is a lousy 362 KB/s. >Anyone got the Mitsumi FX-400 4X CD-ROM working as a >REAL 4X drive with his machine? I am really pissed! Although >I bought my 4X for $200, is it REALLY this cheap, i.e. slow? >I don't think so. Hint - There is a saying in the computer industry, YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR! Be careful with cheep quads. If you want real quad power then you may just have to pay for it. *shock, horror* Apparently going though a specialised data interface card and not a GUS (for AT model quads) can make quite a difference. I have yet to see a Mitsumi FX-400 work properly and several of my suppliers have now stopped dealing them, to "avoid getting a bad name". >Does anyone know if/why this drive was discontinued? I can't get it >from my supplier anymore. He said Mitsumi was cancelling all of their >CD-ROMs. Will there be a replacement? Ummm.... This is interesting, they are still available in OZ. Here are some other tit-bits that people might find interesting. Of course all the usual disclamers apply... I take no responsiblity etc... I am a computer dealer and in this position I have the opportunity to play around. :) I have found that the AMD DX2-80 almost always runs at 100 and often runs at 120MHz. My supplier who tested a shipment of 40 found that all worked at 100 and 19 still worked at 120. He is so confident in them that he will still honour the warranty at 100MHz. It does not damage most chips to over clock them if they are kept cool, and if they cannot run at the over clocked speed then they just will not boot. Most chips can be treated this way, over clocked chips that I have seen, Intel 33 -> 50, 66 -> 100, 100 -> 150 AMD 66 -> 120, 80 -> 150, 100 -> 150 I believe this is risky for Intel DX2-66 chips due to their design process, I have seen them overclocked but I have also seen them smoke. :) But that is another story... PS. Sorry for the lateness of the reply to some things but I have been on holidays. Also spelling and continuity may have something to be desired since I have written this in a hurry and in several stages over several days. Config: ALi DEEP GREEN motherboard AMD486DX2-80Mhz -> DX4-100 Award BIOS 256K cache 16Mb RAM (1x16Mb 72pin) GUSMAX S3 Video Board (no name - fast, cheep, but no support) __ __ \ \/ / Nicholas Stock THE \ / FILES Computer Systems Engineering --- / \ ----- University of South Australia /_/\_\ Levels Campus, AUSTRALIA -------------------------------- THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE... -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 19 Apr 1995 23:24:40 +0100 (BST) From: Quentinus Subject: PMODE megaem... Previous Digests... I'm back after 5 weeks absence... First part of question: are previous digests available on a web site? If so the second part may already have been answered... Second question: protected mode mega-em. 1) What is the difference between rev 2 and 3 GUS that this complains about (it says pmode games won't work because of GUS version!)? I thought the only real difference was the mixer chip! 2) Anyone know anyway to get it to work with Kings Quest 5 cd-rom (yeah yeah, old game, and I only payed 3 quid for it, but anyway, I'd like to finish it...)? The old version used to play all the speech fine BUT it repeated a little bit at the end (obviously just playing too far). The new version works very erratically and not very often if you have the GUS doing music. If you turn off Roland emulation or make it go through the midi port (our Korg is not general midi, so this is not a wonderful solution) then the sound works perfectly - not even any repetition. It's only when the GUS is playing its own music [oh yeah, music is fine] that the problems occur. Sam [] <[ Web pagE ]> Netscape recommended. [] [] For Software Forge program information and downloads [] Including [] [] NETRIS 1.1 best Tetris game <[ For Win 3.1 ]> Sysex Manager 0.9 [] ------------------------------ End of GUS Daily Digest V21 #20 ******************************* To post to tomorrow's digest: To (un)subscribe or get help: To contact a human (last resort): FTP Sites Archive Directories --------- ------------------- Main N.American Site: pub/packages/gravis systems/ibmpc/ultrasound pub/ultrasound Main Asian Site: PC/ultrasound Main European Site: packages/ultrasound Main Australian Site: /ultrasound/general /ultrasound/submit South African Site: /pub/packages/ultrasound Submissions: pub/pc/ultrasound/submit Newly Validated Files: pub/pc/ultrasound Mirrors: mirror/ultrasound pc/ultrasound pub/msdos/ultrasound Gopher Sites Menu directory ------------ -------------- Main Site: packages/ultrasound WWW Pages --------- Main Site: Main European Site: Main Australian Site: Mirrors: GUS digest: MailServer For Archive Access: Email to Email to New Submit Files Mailing List: Email to with content "subscribe epas-list " Hints: - Get the FAQ from the FTP sites or the request server. - Mail to for info about other GUS related mailing lists (programmers, musicians, etc.).